Stuart Furlonger has just started a Fit4Longer Boot Camp at Newton Aycliffe Youth Centre on a Wednesday evenings from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.
Stuart is a fully qualified personal trainer who is DBS checked said “ I only charge £2.50 which is cheaper than most other Boot Camps. I believe in client satisfaction and love what I do, getting alongside people and helping them achieve their goals”
Joan Clark Treasurer of the Youth Centre added “As this is a new course there are still a few places left. As Stuart is DBS checked he is able to take younger people and he has suggested that youngsters over the age of 12 could come along with their parents”.
For more information please contact Stuart on 07903 449590 or find him on Facebook Co/Durham/fitforlonger.
Bootcamp is a fitness programme that is increasingly popular across the country. It is a workout programme that entails circuit training generally in twos to workout all parts of the body.
There are a number of stations on the circuit such as weights, body stretches, cord stretch, medicine balls, sit ups, and press ups. In an hour normally 3 or 4 circuits would be achieved. Bootcamp is a fast moving programme suitable for all ages.
New Boot Camp Open