As with every event KDANZ run, the Aerial Skills launch was a huge success! KDANZ is an inclusive dance school offering dance, cheerleading and gymnastic classes to all ages and abilities in Newton Aycliffe and want to offer something new and exciting!
It is stunt-type equipment on a rigging system where young people can learn acrobatic and circus skills on a trapeze, hoop or vertical silk. This new venture will be accessible to all ages and abilities with fully qualified teachers.
This new way of exercising will surely be a hit with everyone who’s up to the challenge! KDANZ received a £2,500 from the GAMP Community Grant Fund and Brian Riley (GAMP Coordinator) added, “This new exciting equipment will help develop the young people to learn new skills and it’s great to see the young people enjoying this new piece of equipment.”
Brian Riley came along to see the equipment and planning finally put into action. He was overwhelmed with how professional the set up was and the training offered at KDANZ was so varied. The aerial skills is just another strand to the diverse genres of dance and fitness that KAY and the team provide.and it is no wonder the pupils at this school are bring scouted for national awards.
The classes for aerial skills that begin in January are now taking bookings for classes. Kay principal of KDANZ quoted “the turn out for the launch was great! Everyone loved trying out climbing the skills and rotations. Even the dads loved having a go! I can’t wait for the display in our show as the audience will be wowed!’
KDANZ have their 15th anniversary production “Home Alone” at Hummersknott Academy on Saturday 28th at 7.30pm & Sunday 29th November 2.30pm & 7.30pm. Tickets are £7 and £6. This debut of aerial skills is not to be missed. For information tickets or booking a space on the aerials skills course please contact Kay on 07900 365892
New Aerial Stunt Equipment at Aycliffe’s Kdanz Studio