The famous Marske Fishermen’s Choir comes to Neville Parade Community Centre to give a Concert on Saturday 27th April at 7.30pm. This should not be missed and everyone is invited to give support.
Please bring your own drinks and glasses. To book and collect your tickets on the door ring Peter on 313924. Adults £4 Seniors £2 and Children £1.
We are seeking someone to run a Children’s Dance School each week. If you are interested please ring Peter.
We have vacancies for New Age Kurling. Easy to play, keep fit and make new friends. Ring to book a place.
You are invited to Knit & Natter any Thursday from 10-12 noon. Just bring in whatever you are knitting and join in the chit chat.
If you have any ideas on starting a new club or group meeting just get in touch with Peter on 313924.