Day Trip to Alnwick Castle Gardens on Saturday 28th June. Depart 9am Byerley Park School, picking up at the Station, St Clares Church, Aycliffe Village and Heighington. Bus fare is £12 + entrace fee on arrival. To book ring Peter Beaty on 313924.
Another date for your diary is 17th June at 7pm – Darlington Orchestra who play at the Civic Theatre on many occasions.
Come and try Nordic Walking with oles, rung by the NHS every Monday 10-11am, followed by free coffee, compliments of the Friends of Senior Citizens. If you can walk you can do this and it will help you keep fit. Just turn up with good walking footwear.
Our Wednesday Art Club is now underway, 10-12, admission £2. If you are interested in art just turn up with your materials.
Would you like to book our large hall, maximum 100 people? To view ring Peter on 313924.
Why not start your own club and hire the hall? We now have Dog Training Classess every Sunday from 6.30pm, just come along.