Are you lonely and don’t get out much? We want to change that and are looking to bring people together at a special meeting every Monday from 10am-12 noon.The cost is only £2 for refreshments first followed by indoor game, a talk by an invited guest, dominoes, video and a Sing along. You may have your own ideas of what to add  to this programme.
If you are interested ring Peter on 313924.
Don’t forgert the Fashion Show on Wednesday 6th November at 2pm. This is run by Margaret Gent to whom we are very grateful and provided by Bon Marche. Please come and support this charity event.
On Saturday 23rd November in the Youth Centre we are bidding for £1100 from the GAMP funds to refurbish the Ladies toilets. We ask all friends of Senior Citizens to come along at 11am and vote for our project.