By PCSO Sarah Button

This week we have been utilising our e-bikes to monitor anti-social behaviour and increase our levels of community engagement. We have managed to speak to many more people within the community in various different locations whilst being out on the bikes and offer reassurance and overall a greater policing presence.

We have had a great success in that we have seized one bike due to the manner of its driving and causing anti-social behaviour. We would like to encourage residents of Aycliffe to give us any information they have on the use of off-road bikes and quads by contacting the Police or Crime Stoppers by telephone or online, which can be done anonymously. The more current and specific information we get, the faster we can act on it. We would, however, encourage people to report ongoing incidents in the usual way to ensure appropriate resources are deployed.

Finally, have you heard of our online messaging service ‘Keep in the Know’? By signing up to this service for free you can find out what’s happening in your local area – receive regular crime updates, information on road closures and learn about what your local neighbourhood policing team is doing. You can decide what agencies you wish to receive messages off when you sign up to the service. Head over to and click ‘Sign up’.

It doesn’t take long and you can be kept up to date with many different things.

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PCSO Sarah Button