Hello everyone, I hope this finds you well, please see below a weekly round up from your local Police team.
On Monday, officers from the Neighbourhood Team have been making enquiries relating to a van which was stolen from the Business Park.
Also on Monday, PCSO Nichols completed several Herbert Protocols across Newton Aycliffe, which assists the emergency services in locating a vulnerable person if they were to go missing. If you know somebody living with Dementia/Alzheimer’s, who you feel could benefit from the Herbert Protocol, please get in touch with the team or send us a private message.
On Tuesday, officers from the Neighbourhood Team were this time at Byerley Park Primary School to speak with Years 5 and 6 around Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime & Consequences, Online Safety and Bullying. This is a full day event, where the team deliver important messages to keep kids safe and out of trouble. Over the academic year we will have delivered this to all students in Years 5 and 6 across the town.
On Wednesday, a male youth was arrested for Criminal Damage and Assault. The youth was charged with three offences and bailed and will appear at Youth Court in due course.
On Thursday, a male youth was arrested for Assault and transported to Custody. Moving forward, this youth will be working alongside the Youth Offending Service.
On Friday, officers from the Neighbourhood Team and Response were tasked with locating a male who had been reported missing from home. Thankfully, the male was located fit and well.
Also on Friday, a male was arrested on suspicion of assault following a report of assault in the town centre.
Again, on Friday, PC Booth and PCSO Kipling patrolled the Business Park on the team’s E-Bikes. After spotting a suspicious vehicle, which had potentially been linked to a number of crimes, a male was arrested and transported to Darlington Custody. He was interviewed and released on Police Bail, whilst further enquiries are being completed.
On Saturday, a 20-year-old male was arrested in Newton Aycliffe town centre after a report of a fight. The male was transported to Darlington custody and interviewed and released on Police Bail, pending further enquiries.
Thanks for the support, have a great week!
PCSO Steven Kipling.
Neighbourhood Policing