The Neighbourhood, Response and Crime teams, working out of Newton Aycliffe, have been busy responding to a variety of incidents across the area over the past week, including Missing Persons, Domestic Incidents, Concerns for Safety, Shoplifting and Harassment.
Below is a brief snapshot of what we have been up to this week:
On Monday, PCSO’s Middleton & Nichols conducted House to House enquiries for a number of different incidents across Newton Aycliffe, including an incident occurring in the Burn area where a female was threatened with a knife.
Sgt. Boyd and the Mini Police from St. Mary’s School attended St. Clare’s Church to plant the Poppies around the grounds in preparation for Remembrance Sunday. This was after they learnt that the usual volunteer had fallen and broken their shoulder. The kids were treated to a drink at St. Clare’s for their work.
On Tuesday, officers from the Neighbourhood Team attended St Francis Primary School to deliver our carousel session to Years 5 & 6. Again, the topics covered were Bullying, Internet Safety, Anti-Social Behaviour and Crime & Consequences. This is part of our commitment to reducing Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour by engaging with young people in every school across the town.
On Wednesday, PCSO Kipling attended the Hub of Wishes for a Cuppa with a Copper, where he and PCSO Todd engaged with members of the public & listened to their concerns.
On Friday, we received a report of a concern for a female who was believed to have gone missing. After extensive searches by the Neighbourhood and Response teams, the female was located later that day. The appropriate safeguarding referrals have been made and support is ongoing.
On Saturday, an ACE Award was awarded to a local youth for doing great voluntary work in the community. If you know a local youth doing great things in their community and who deserve to be recognised, please let us know by sending us a private message.
Officers have been around various parts of the town over the weekend, in relation to several reports of Anti-Social Behaviour. Numerous youths have been engaged with, and those found to be engaging in this behaviour will be dealt with accordingly.
We have received an increase in reports relating to off-road bikes. If you have any information in relation to the individuals riding these, please get in touch with us.
On Sunday, the Neighbourhood Team attended the Newton Aycliffe Remembrance Day Parade. A great turn out by the Community and we were very proud to be a part of this morning of reflection.
Raffle tickets are now on sale for our Christmas raffle. We have some amazing prizes, kindly donated by some of our local businesses on Newton Aycliffe Industrial Estate. All money raised will go towards supporting community groups in Newton Aycliffe who work tirelessly in supporting the residents of Newton Aycliffe. If you can help the team by selling tickets, please send us a private message on Facebook.
Finally, if you haven’t already and have a spare minute, please sign up to Keep in the Know where you can receive regular alerts from the team here on what’s happening around the town, such as crime updates and road closures. It’s completely free and you can sign up by visiting
Thanks for reading and for your continued support, have a great week.
PCSO Steven Kipling.