The Neighbourhood, Response and Crime teams working out of Newton Aycliffe have been busy responding to a variety of incidents across the area over the past week, including missing persons, public order, road related, anti-social behaviour amongst many others.
We have had an average of 61 incidents of ASB per month over April, May, June 2022 compared to an average of 107.3 incidents per month in the same period last year. This is a big reduction in the number of incidents.
Our neighbourhood team have been busy over the last week. Sgt Boyd has had a meeting with the PCP and the Rotary Club on Monday to discuss the possibility of creating a Vulnerability Hub for Newton Aycliffe. A steering group is being created to drive this concept forward and consultation with the community proposed to seek ideas on need and location.
PCSO’s Kipling and Middleton attended the PCP on Tuesday to deliver a session to their Options group around keeping safe when out and about and at home and gave out crime prevention equipment to the group.
Sgt Boyd attended Woodham School on Thursday along with PCSO Sarah Nichols and Humankind to deliver talks to year 10 students around knife crime, drugs and county lines. This valuable input will be delivered to all students at Woodham Academy, UTC and Greenfield Community College over the next academic year to deliver important messages to keep our kids safe.
We are aware of increased reports of Anti-Social behaviour at Cobblers park. We have been linking in with the local park wardens and targeting the area by increased patrols. If you have any issues relating to this area then please phone us to get the incidents reported. One of our new rapid deployment cameras will be getting moved to cover the park area.
On Friday of last week we were getting ‘Ahead of the Arrest’ with Humankind. This is an initiative created to help vulnerable members of the community with drug and alcohol misuse. On the back of intelligence and vulnerability reports, we visited several potential clients with a view to signing them up to programmes delivered by Humankind to address their needs. The hope being that this intervention gets them back on track and prevents them getting involved in any future offending. If you know of anyone, or yourself, who you feel may benefit, from support from Humankind then you can email or with information and contact details.
Finally, there is a blue light event in the Town Centre this Saturday the 23rd July, from 11am-3pm. Attending is your local policing team, road policing team, dog section, ambulance, fire officers, driving simulator, air cadets, Humankind, Police Crime Commissioner Joy Allen, MP Paul Howell and others. It will be a fantastic event so make sure you pop along!
I hope you have a lovely week and stay safe!
PCSO Abi Hill
Neighbourhood Policing