Hello to all reading, PCSO Middleton here:
The Neighbourhood, Response and Crime teams working out of Newton Aycliffe have been busy responding to a variety of incidents across the area over the past week, including Concerns for Safety, Missing Persons, Domestic Incidents and Harassment. Below is a snapshot of what we have been up to;
On Monday, PCSO’s Kipling and Nichols conducted SpeedWatch around a number of hotspot areas on the town. If you have any areas that you would like us to conduct SpeedWatch, please get in touch and let us know.
On Tuesday, Sgt Boyd and PCSO Hill attended the UTC, alongside HumanKind, to deliver carousel training to 150 year 10 pupils. The training included talks on Knife Crime, Drugs and County Lines. Everyone engaged well and the team are committed in continuing to deliver this to other secondary schools in Newton Aycliffe across all year groups.
On Wednesday, PC Welch and Insp Honeyman gave a presentation to other Neighbourhood Inspectors across the county in relation to the purchase of our Rapid Deployment Cameras. Other areas are now very keen to acquire the cameras to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in communities they police in. Other members of the team attended a day long course upskilling them on new legislation around Domestic Abuse (Domestic Abuse Act 2021).
On Thursday, we saw a number of Anti-Social Behaviour reported to us across the Town Centre. Linking in with retail premises and using our Rapid Deployment Cameras we have identified a number of these individuals and work is underway to prevent further issues, working closely with the ASB team at Durham County Council and the Youth Offending Team.
On Friday, Officers PCSO Kipling and Middleton attended Sedgefield Hardwick Primary School Summer Carnival. There was food, drink, tombola, hook the duck and a talent show. The sun was shining and spirits were high. Thanks again to Sedgefield Hardwick Primary for having us.
On Saturday, we ensured we patrolled the areas that have been reported to have issues, based on calls to Police and messages on Facebook. We patrolled the Town Centre of Newton Aycliffe. We engaged with several youths, those causing the issues, details have been obtained and are now on the anti-social behaviour escalation process. Other Aycliffe officers were used to provide reassurance and security at the Miners Gala in Durham City Centre, a number of arrests were made, but on the whole people behaved and entered into the spirit of the event.
Lastly, if you haven’t already and have a spare minute, please sign up to Keep in the Know where you can receive regular alerts from the team here on what’s happening around the town, such as crime updates and road closures. It’s completely free and you can sign up by visiting www.keepintheknow.co.uk/content/pages/sign-up.
Have another good week!
Durham Constabulary, Protecting Neighbourhoods, Tackling Criminals, Solving Problems . . . Around the Clock
Neighbourhood Policing: Use your postcode to get access to local news and events from your Neighbourhood Policing Team, at: https://www.durham.police.uk
Neighbourhood Policing