By PCSO Sarah Button
This week the neighbourhood team have had a huge success whereby A/Sgt Welch and PCSO Button have utilised our E-Bikes to locate a missing person. The E-Bikes allowed us to access locations that we would not have had access to in a vehicle and travel a large distance quickly and efficiently, assisting us in locating the missing person in a much shorter time than if we were on foot.
This week we have also been completing some Herbert Protocols, this can be used for people with Dementia/Alzheimer’s where a form gets filled in with important details and any information that would assist in locating someone who has gone missing from their home address. If you know anybody who you think would benefit from this protocol please get in touch and a PCSO will visit the household and complete the form together.
On July 24th we are celebrating our Blue Light Day which will take place in the town centre, a fun day for everyone! We really hope to see you all there.
We are working with partner agencies, to secure funding, and are always looking at new and innovative ways to tackle the problem. Have you heard of our online messaging service ‘Keep in the Know’? By signing up to this service for free you can find out what’s happening in your local area – receive regular crime updates, information on road closures and learn about what your local neighbourhood policing team is doing. You can decide what agencies you wish to receive messages off when you sign up to the service. Head over to and click ‘Sign up’. It doesn’t take long and you can be kept up to date with many different things.
PCSO 8730 Sarah Button