There has been a fantastic response for the Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire which was sent out in last week’s Newton News. Hundreds of questionnaires have been returned and are currently being processed. Weekly updates will be in the Newton News to inform you of the emerging priorities for the plan.
For those of you who didn’t receive a questionnaire or a stamped addressed envelope for any reason, there are a number of places for you to pick up a copy or drop off your completed forms.
Questionnaires can be obtained or dropped off at the following venues:
Great Aycliffe Town Council Offices – Oak Leaf Golf Shop
Oak Leaf Sports Complex – Agnew Community Centre
The Library – Woodham Community Centre
Newton Aycliffe Youth & Community Centre and Newton Press
The questionnaire is also available on this website, see the home page and click on the “Neighbourhood Plan” logo.
Once completed, either post them to The Council Offices, School Aycliffe Lane, Newton Aycliffe DL5 6QF or drop them off to one of the venues above.
If you prefer to complete the form online go to the Great Aycliffe Town Council Website and email it to
Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaires – Keep Them Coming!