So far there have been 35 returned Neighbourhood Plan questionnaires from Aycliffe Village, but there is still time to have your say in the future development of Aycliffe – if you did not receive a questionnaire you can pick a copy up from Joy Marie Hairdressers or The County. Completed questionnaires may be dropped into any of these venues before 17th November 2014.
A feedback meeting will be held in Aycliffe Village Hall on 25th November 2014 at 6.30pm. All village residents are invited to attend.
What will Aycliffe look like in 20 years time?
Still time to have your say
What type of business do you want to attract to the town? What do you want to use our land for? Do we need to use some of our green space for parking, or housing or do we want to keep it as it is? There is still time to comment by completing the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire. If you don’t have a copy you can pick one up from a number of venues across the town:
Woodham or Agnew Community Centre
Thames Diner – Town Centre
Pitstop Café – Aycliffe Business Park
Newton Aycliffe Youth and Community Centre
The Library
CrossFit Gym – Aycliffe Business Park
Joy Marie Hairdressers – Aycliffe Village
The County – Aycliffe Village
Town Council Offices
The Oak Leaf Sports Complex
Newton Press Offices
Once completed just return the questionnaire to any of these collection points before 17th November 2014. Alternatively, you can download an electronic version via the Great Aycliffe Town Council Website
Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire Update