Our guest on the first half of Sunday 15th July show was going to be local healthcare professional, Angela Allison from Aycliffe Reflex Clinic, based at the PCP. Unfortunately, Angela developed a rather nasty throat infection so we had to quickly change things round to accommodate our other guests on the show. Our very own Michael Stead had agreed to lend us his feet for the morning, and ever the good sport Michael still came into the studio to chat with us and to discuss his managing your money guest spot on the show which is scheduled for the 18th August.
And, whilst taking advantage of the change to today’s show, we were also able to play the first of three scheduled, pre-recorded interviews with various Police Community Support Officers, the first one being with PCSO Steven Kipling.
Local athletics world and national record holder Laurie Cummings returned to the studio to share some of his experiences as a diving instructor with over 1300 dives to his credit in the warm waters of the Red Sea around Sharm El Sheik.
Laurie brought along his good friend Doaa, who is visiting from Egypt. Doaa ELdaghar, is a highly qualified diving professional and expert in her profession who has developed a working relationship and friendship with Laurie and his family over a number of years.
Phill & Andy
Around Town, Aycliffe Radio.