Dear Editor
I was disappointed to read in last week’s edition such a scurrilous and damming letter regarding Peter Beatty, a man who has given a large part of his life to charitable work.
For someone to wait until Peter has retired, due to health reasons, to write such a nasty letter angers me. If this person had a problem they should have gone through the proper channels and not written such a low down letter.
I have known Peter for over 30 years and have always found him to be an honest and generous man of impeccable character. I am sure people can remember what a shambling wreck Neville Community Centre was before Peter revitalised the building to the splendid centre it is today, a job he and his team can be justly proud.
It is monstrous that someone can, by the stroke of an anonymous pen, attempt to destroy a good man’s reputation.
Mrs V. M. Raw
Nasty Letter