Following last week’s Newton News story on how they transformed Alice giving her the confidence to sing in public Cllr  Dan Summers gave a glowing report. A survey by young people at Great Aycliffe Town Show clearly suggests they want more of what Music Junction have to offer at the Youth Centre.
Vince Crosby Chair of the management committee told Newton News that he will do everything to ensure that this comes to fruition and said, “Being a governor on the TEWV NHS Foundation Trust in particular working with Social Inclusion and learning difficulties this shows what can be done to improve recovery as in Alice’s story.
Music Junction is a creative environment dedicated to providing facilities for creative and musical young people of all levels and abilities.
They aim to help young people discover, their true potential and find a way of developing their skills and talent. They build confidence and self-belief and are equipped with skills to help them through life.
Music Junction is owned and run by Steve Metcalfe who after a career in the music industry working with many major talents returned to his home town with the vision of supporting and encouraging young people to develop their creativity.
Steve is supported by colleagues with experience in song writing, arrangement, production, technical en-gineering, instrument making and maintenance. Music Junction provide Workshops in: Songwriting, lyric writing and arrangement, Singing, both solo and choral, Spoken words, plays, poetry etc., Recording and assisting with sound engineering and production, Advice and support on performing, Management and career advice in the music industry.
They encourage visits by interested parties to see what we can offer and how we can use our enthusiasm and facilities to help young people in our community. Contact them on 07816 570086.