Above is a photo of the proposed MUGA area. The school has an existing area of hard-standing there at present, so are proposing to make it fractionally larger, ensure it has the right surface dressing and it is enclosed.
This will help them do PE lessons there so that balls do not get thrown onto the grass which can be really muddy from this time of year onwards. It will also be to help meet the new Government initiative of pupils doing at least 30 minutes of structured activity in school every day.
Funding has been secured from the Big Lottery for quarter of the cost and some of the increased Sports Funding Grant which has been for a project for a couple of years.
Byerley Park believe it will help inspire pupils to play a range of different sports in an enclosed safe area and enable the extensive school grounds to be utilised more fully in the bad weather, which can only be a good thing for the health of our young people.