Growing environmental group ‘Friends Of West Park’ are holding a meeting in the upstairs lounge of the Royal British Legion Club on Tuesday 8th of July at 7pm.
Anyone with an interest in improving this fantastic facility is welcome to come along to get involved and hear updates on projects we are involved in. New members and organisations are now coming forward and getting involved and we welcome new faces.
We were joined in our cleaning endeavours on Sunday by Ruth Johnson and Katy Milne who are heading up the ‘Cutting Loose Festival’ at the Park and who added a touch of glamour to proceedings with colourful wellies. Chris Wheeler fresh from his holiday in Greece and raring to go helped with the weekly litter pick, then kept us company.
The group have so far been planting bulbs and trees, litter picking, cleaning out the lakes and promoting our aims to the public. We now have pamphlets available to encourage shops and local businesses to join us in our work.
With the assistance of our friends at Great Aycliffe Town Council we shall soon be putting together bids for funding to provide play equipment and other facilities. We look forward to listening to your ideas of how we can renew this beautiful park.
Ken Robson, Chairman
(01325 321471)
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