Staff from a local charity in County Durham donated and sold cakes and coffee to raise £250 for MacMillan Cancer. Workers from DISC, based at Sapphire House in Newton Aycliffe, delivered a table full of cakes to the building’s More Time Café where they were then sold in aid of the Macmillan Cancer Coffee Morning. Students from DISC’s Steps 4 Success programme did their bit by collecting money, manning the tombola and decorating the café to help entice customers into making a purchase. DISC finance officer Siobhan Dalton from Durham said: “There were so many cakes on offer I didn’t know which one to choose. In the end, I went for a fairy cake, which was delicious!” Craig Westwood, also from DISC, said “Even though I’ve been on a diet recently, these cakes and the good cause their sale helps meant that for one day only, I can indulge. The lemon drizzle cake has gone down a storm!” Julie Nisbet, Business Manager at More Time, said: “This is our second year raising money for MacMillan. They do marvellous work and they’re close to the hearts of many of our staff members. Of course, our staff are very charitable and we were proud to make so much money in the coffee morning.” “We were really pleased with the amount of support from staff and the community. S4S and the café team worked extremely hard and were paramount to the success of the event.” More Time is based at The IES Centre –Horndale Avenue, Aycliffe Business Park (near the Blue Bridge).
More Time For Cake as Local Charity Supports Macmillan