Dear Sir,
I wish to express unease on four counts about the decision of our Town Council to purchase and fly a, ‘Rainbow’ flag
1. Politicising minority private personal preferences by flag flying is counter-productive to fostering tolerance and understanding.
2. The Labour/Momentum party is open to the charge of trying to ‘buy’ the support of the LGBT ‘community’ using public money. Will the auditor see it that way? Why did we have to pay for what is clearly a Labour/ Momentum Party campaigning flag? Could the Labour Councillors not have paid for it themselves?
3. The Government has just introduced ‘same-sex’ education in primary schools. This has been met with outrage from many parents of all faith groups, and none. Was the timing of the Council decision designed to inflame religious tensions?
4. Another English word has been hijacked. “Rainbow” will now be used more euphemistically, such that, it will become politically incorrect to use it other than to refer to the disparate LGBT + grouping.
However, even worse than the above is the fact that Owen Dickinson praises Labour/Momentum Cllr. Beetham (who is so intolerant of Brexit that she called all Leave voters, “… … morons… who should all be gassed”!) for getting the motion accepted. He then goes on to call opponents of the motion, “Homophobic”, and in so doing, ignores the fact that the Independent Councillors were trying to stop the excesses of the Momentum controlled Council. “Name calling” of opponents is Momentum/Labour’s first reaction to criticism of their extreme and ill-conceived ideas.
Indeed, I’m surprised that the Labour Party has not yet withdrawn Cllr. Beetham’s membership for calling 60% of the Constituency “morons” and inappropriately, advocating “gassing” as the remedy!
Previously the Leader of the Council has appealed in the Newton News about the vile treatment of Independent Cllr. W. Blenkinsopp (mainly from Labour). Perhaps, it is time for Mr Fleming to resign the Labour whip and head -up the Independents.
Alastair P.G. Welsh