Dear Sir,
I cannot understand how we can have someone still on the Town Council claiming expenses whilst living and working abroad for the best part of a year. Surely he should have stood down from his position to give someone else the opportunity.
J Williams
Newton News contacted the Town Council to pose the question and received the following statement.
Cllr D Summers is currently out of the country undertaking seasonal employment. Cllr Summers advised of this employment and his wish to cease receiving his Councillor Allowance during this period. It is confirmed that no allowance has been paid during this period.
Should Cllr Summers not attend a Council meeting or other relevant qualifying event within six months, he will cease to be a Councillor, due to disqualification.
Alternatively, Cllr Summers may request the Council to consider a ‘leave of absence’ for any further absence beyond the six months and the Council may or may not grant his request.
Andrew Bailey, Town Clerk