Messy Church will be looking at how and why the poppy is an important symbol of Remembrance. We will be painting poppies, making poppy biscuits and designing our own personal poppies. Each family will be given some poppy seeds to take home. Messy Church starts at 4pm, so please aim to arrive in time to register and make your badges. Lots of crafts, fun and mess, so come along.
The session will end at 5pm with a Poppy Picnic for everyone. We invite you all to try and wear ‘something’ red to go with our theme – socks, hair ribbon, t-shirt, as much or as little as you like! There is no charge for Messy Church, it’s Church! We will have a donation box available for any who wish to contribute to the growth of Messy Church.
So if you are preparing for Baptism or have not been back to church since baptism, please come along – this church is for you. Saturday 15th November St Clare’s Church, opposite Thames Centre, registration from 3.30pm.
Call 319002 (evenings) for any more information.
Messy ‘Poppy’ Church