On Saturday 30th November, 90 adults and children joined to celebrate the beginning of Advent with a Messy Christingle Service. They learnt all about the Christingle and how it holds an important message of Jesus’s love for us all. Each child made a Christingle, the oranges and sweets were all donated by members of St. Clare’s church.
The children enjoyed the glitter gloop and advent craft, while also taking an opportunity to hang a Christmas prayer on the tree. The Service ended with the lighting of the christingle’s, a special prayer and a song. Everyone then shared in a fantastic Messy Christmas Tea Party, with crackers, jelly and ice cream and plenty of fun and laughter.
These are some of the families comments . . . “I didn’t know about the Christingle, I’m glad I do now” – Sophie aged 6; “A wonderful warm afternoon in a busy church” Emily’s Mam: “The best bit was when all the lights went out and we sang a song about our candles” Conner aged 8.
The children’s team who run Messy Church, KidzFlicks and Shine Choir, would like to wish all the families they work with, a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year