The first Parish Memorial Service of this year will be held in St. Clare’s Church Central Avenue on Sunday April 26th at 4-00pm.
All families who have had a bereavement since Christmas should have received a letter informing them of this service. Even if you have not received a letter anyone at all is very welcome to attend. Please try and come early if you have not received a letter, to make sure your loved ones name is on our list.
This service consists of short prayers and a reading along with some hymns. At a chosen time in the service the names of your loved ones are read out. As many family members who wish can go to the nearest window to them in church, and light a candle in remembrance of all those who have meant and continue to mean something to you. There will then be a short time of reflective silence.
After the Service there will be the opportunity to see the Remembrance Book in the library, and if you so wish you can have your loved ones name entered. You are then cordially invited to come into the adjoining church hall for some light refreshments, where there will be a chance to chat to members of our Pastoral Team. If you need any further information please call Pam Lovelass (Pastoral Assistant) on 01325 316841.
Memorial Service for Bereaved