Members of Age UK County Durham’s Meet, Play and Eat Group celebrated a successful first year with their local MP Phil Wilson last Friday. Phil came along to find out more about the group and how it benefits older people. He also took the opportunity of learning how to play indoor bowls. Harriet Gibbon, Chief Executive Age UK County Durham said” Meet, Play, Eat provides an opportunity for older people to socialise, try a new activity and enjoy a good lunch in good company”. Taking place on the first Friday of each month at Oak Leaf Sports Complex, there are a whole range of enjoyable activities to try out including Archery, Indoor Bowls, Table Tennis and Guided Walks”. The next lunch club and sporting activity session will be held on Friday 7th October at 11am when members will be trying out table tennis. For more information and to book your place please contact Come Eat Together on 0191 374 6577 or e-mail cet@ Meet, Play, Eat is part of Age UK County Durham’s awarding winning Come Eat Together project and is funded by the Big Lottery Silver Dreams Fund.
Meet, Play and Eat with Age U.K.