The “Mix & Mingle” was organised by Tracey Wilson from Mears Sedgefield branch and Zoe Mcgrath Peterlee branch both Customer Care Managers. The purpose of the day was for operatives and staff to mingle and take part in free health checks/accuputure and general health care combined with a little fun.
This was laid on as a big thanks for all the hard work all employees put in every day to carry out their contract with social landlords Livin who maintain over 8.500 properties in the area.
Mark Simpson from Middlesbrough provided music for the day and he is a tiler employed by Mears.
The company wish to thank Sunderland Football club for providing the Speed Goal also Cafe 66 for the food and Seventeen for the cakes.
Sarah Johnson was Mr Menda (Mears Mascot). The NHS Health Bus provided checks and Acu Care, free acupuncture. Over 220 staff and operatives attended the day from the Sedgefield branch, Livin, the Peterlee branch and Riverside. It was a very happy event and everyone enjoyed the activities.
Carol Mohan Trainee Project Manager has a kick
Painting Supervisor, Alan Robert tries Acunpuncture