Students at Woodham Academy have benefitted from a variety of masterclass sessions over the past few weeks as they prepare for their GCSE examinations. Designed to improve knowledge, understanding and exam technique, the masterclasses covered a wide range of subjects, including Maths, English, Science, French and Technology. The sessions complement an extensive year 11 programme, which has resulted in a significant improvement in outcomes over the past few years. Headteacher, Christine Forsyth, added “we continue to be focused on helping all students achieve grades that reflect their potential. The sessions are thoroughly planned and delivered by subject experts. I’m particularly pleased with how students have engaged and feedback has been superb from all concerned. The maths sessions in particular have proved very popular and we are anticipating a large number of top grades this summer”. Head of English, Roger Hargreaves has conducted such sessions now for a number of years. “I’m absolutely clear that having the students in such sessions improves grades and student confidence. This year we were particularly pleased to welcome a Chief Examiner to the school, who worked closely with a variety of students. We are always looking for ways to improve and develop provision for our students”.
Masterclass Sessions