Due to the generosity of the people of South West Durham, the Bishop Auckland Fundraising Group of Marie Curie has raised to date almost £90,000.
A spokesperson stated “We must acknowledge and give credit to all those who have supported this worthwhile cause in the few years since our inception in January 2014. Because of the generosity of people like Trish Heron and Mick Hatton (image attached) who kindly opened their superb garden – Riverside in South Church – for us recently and raised the magnificent sum of £635, we are able to support the work of those dedicated Marie Curie Nurses in providing ‘end of life care’ in the Bishop Auckland area.”
The group meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 1.15pm in the Community Fire Station on Watling Road in Bishop Auckland and new members are most welcome to join this dedicated group. The group organises a number of fundraising events throughout the year, the next being a Curry and Quiz Night in The Spice Lounge on Monday, 15th October at 7.00pm
For further details, or to reserve Curry Night tickets – priced at £16 – contact Elizabeth Varley (01388) 606075 or email elizabethvarley@orpheusmail.co.uk
Photo: Trish and Mick presenting a cheque to members of the BA Fundraising Group of Mare Curie)
Marie Curie Volunteers Raise over £90,000