The children and staff of St. Francis’ Junior School, think it is vital we make the appropriate changes to protect our environment. The Eco Warriors meet each week to discuss ways they can make important changes, no matter how small, within school, so we can do our part. Already they have raised the awareness of single use bottles and the impact this has on our rivers and oceans, encouraging children and staff to bring in reusable water bottles, they have implemented a new way to recycle our scrap or unused recyclable material. The children have created natural bird feeders which were sold at our recent Christmas Fto encourage wildlife to our area. Also, they have made it our school mission to use less unnecessary electricity by ensuring lights are turned off when leaving an empty classroom as well as interactive whiteboards and projectors are turned off during breaks and at home time. These little changes can all add up and if we each do our part we can protect our planet. Well done to our Eco Warriors.
Making a Change