Dear Sir, I fully support Honest John’s letter in Newton News as I am also from a mining village, and worked in the mine on leaving school. Both my parents and grandparents were members of the Labour Party, a different Labour Party then, in the 50’s. I am of the opinion that a lot of people who vote Labour today only do so because their parents and grandparents did. Theresa May and her government are the best option to see us through the Brexit negotiations and she will make Britain great again, as Margaret Thatcher did when she had to get us out of the mess Labour left the Country in at the start of the 80’s. Labour even left a note for the in-coming Chancellor which read, THERE’S NO MONEY LEFT.
Theresa May tells us how it is and how she will guide the country back to prosperity. She may stand on a few toes along the way, but that’s life. There have always been haves and have nots, clever kids and not so clever kids, regardless of what CORBYN says, he will never alter that. All he offers is free this and free that, more for Police and more money thrown at the NHS, where does all this money come from? Rob the rich to give to the poor – a man did that years ago, he wore a green suit and lived in Sherwood Forest – it just does not work. It’s only right to stop the heating allowance and put that money to better use. Those who are in need of it will continue to receive it.
With regards to the 2.5% pension increase, or triple lock as its called, I spoke to some pensioners and they did not know what I was talking about. If it is stopped this year the state pension will still be more than 2.5% because Consumer Price Index is running at 2.7% and that will be the increase. By voting Labour on June 8th you are voting to put a man in 10 Downing St. who appears to have no loyalty or love for this country or its monarchy, and I fear we will take a big step backwards. Name & address supplied