Dear Editor,
I would like to thank Mr Chandran for his letter last week reminding me of my rather angry and sweary private FB post made on the day the Brexit vote, (which was not deleted) it reminded me of the total devastation experienced by half the nation, including myself, when, over two years ago, we decided to go down the Brexit path.
Since that day those fears have not abated as we have blundered forward with a Tory Brexit ‘plan’ which seems to be taking us to an exit deal with devastating consequences for our country, to the point the government are planning to stockpile food, and we have seen an unprecedented rise in hate crimes, up as much as 40% in some areas, as the emboldened far right fringe groups and extremist individuals are being given credibility in our national and local media.
Tory Brexiter and multi-millionaire, Jacob Rees- Mogg, said it will be five decades before we may see any benefit from Brexit, although as he has now moved his business abroad, so this won’t be affecting him or HIS children. However, democracy must be respected, and we must find a way forward that causes the least harm to our economy, all our people, and the rights generation have fought and died for. That path of least harm is currently the one offered by the Labour Party, a Brexit deal under a real democratic socialist government, with an investment plan targeting the roots of our economic money tree, rather than throwing money at the top to ‘trickle down’ where it simply gets blown away into off shore accounts, may help to negate the harm being done by leaving the E.U .
I fail to understand Arun’s inflammatory use of the word ‘attack’ towards the Newton News, given my previous letter praised the papers role in the community and was a polite request for a basic code of conduct to prevent the incitement of hatred towards minority groups and individuals within its pages. Does Mr Chandran really defend the use of words and phrases such as ‘’the Jew’’ and
‘suicidal refugee terrorists’’ and does he not understand such phrases promote hate when expressed in a public forum? Does he think that such terms are acceptable in any public debate?
As for ‘political correctness’, many myths are circulated about this and then used to shut down the debate regarding the inequality in our society. Its official definition of ‘’ the avoidance of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.’’ Is a principle I believe most decent people would stand by and it deeply saddens me it’s a principle Mr Chandran, who is respected in our diverse local community, no longer seems to.
I would hope that anyone who shares my deep concerns about a Tory Brexit and the scapegoating of minority groups for all the ills of our society, would make a stand against inequality and bigotry, join the Labour party, and fight for a society that represents the many, regardless of their religion, race, sexuality, disability or gender, not the few.
Kathy Beetham.
Make A Stand Against Bigotry