Saturday night 5th October saw MAD Production hold their 5th annual Charity Concert at the Xcel Centre, kindly donated by the Management.
An audience of around 450 enjoyed the entertainment from members of Xcel Choir and Xcel Dance group. A moving ballet performance by Beth Rodgers and a song by Alice Jordan was well received. Alice has seen a lot of media cover over the summer. The budding MAD Production choir also contributed to the entertainment of music through the decades.
The compere Duncan Sharp ably drew the acts together. Phoebe from Hope for Justice gave a presentation on the need for funding for the organisation to help alleviate human trafficking in our own country. The cheque for over £1,100 was presented to Phoebe by the chairman of Durham County Council Pauline Charlton. The Chairman had earlier in the year presented Sonia Scott the Chairman’s Medal for her 15 year commitment to MAD productions. In fact some of the members of Xcel choir had started their singing career with MAD Productions.
The Deputy Mayor or Great Aycliffe Wendy Hillary drew the raffle of 25 prizes all of which had been donated by local business and individuals.
A retiring collection was also held to boost the final donation to this year’s charity.
For more information about Hope for Justice please initially contact Joan Clark on 07730471487
MAD Productions Concert Raised £1,100 for Charity