Following ongoing issues associated with the lorry park on School Aycliffe Lane, Great Aycliffe Town Council has taken the decision to close the lorry park, effective from Tuesday 1st March 2022.
A height restrictor will be installed to prevent HGVs and other large vehicles accessing the parking facility, whilst still allowing access to smaller vehicles, such as cars, for visitors to the Council Offices and parking to access the adjacent recreational fields and facilities.
The lorry park was initially created to allow lorry drivers to take their legal rest breaks. Unfortunately, however, in recent years, the area has increasingly been misused by some lorry drivers, and there have been numerous complaints that the surrounding woodlands and bins are being used as an outdoor toilet, making the area both unpleasant and unsafe for residents wishing the access it. In addition, lorries and trailers are being stored and maintained, effectively illegally using the facility as an unauthorised depot, with the additional safety risks of having large vehicles manoeuvring in a public space. After some consideration, the Town Council decided that, for the benefit and safety of the public of the town, the facility should be closed to lorries.
Purpose-built lorry parking facilities are now available on the Business Park.
Anyone wishing to discuss the matter further can contact Great Aycliffe Town Council on 01325 300700.
Lorry Park to Close