Romania is a sad country for dogs to live in: abandoned by families and left to fend for themselves, abused by locals, captured by dog catchers, and then inhumanely killed, it is horrific. Left to wander, unneutered and the problem multiplies.
Our rescuer was driving along when she spied a little dog on the side of the road, as though he was waiting for his family to come back. Fearing he would be run over, she got out of her car and he ran into her arms.
He was shaking violently from the bitter cold of the Romanian winter, and was also very undernourished. She swept him into her arms and cuddled him, whispering a promise that he was safe now, and would never have to worry again.
We brought Manny over to the UK earlier this year into a family foster home. He completed all of his assessments and we found that he is around two years old, and that he doesn’t like cats or small children. Other than that he is perfect in every way – but sadly nobody has offered him a forever home.
We don’t want to break the promise that our rescuer made to him on that bleak winter’s day…can you help this little boy’s dream come true?
Please contact us at or at or on 07503 373478.
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