Councillor Bob Fleming, elected to the Town Council in 1987 has received the title of Honorary Freeman for long service and outstanding achievement. The proposal was made on 21st January and carried unanimously.
Bob held the Chairmanships of all Standing Committees, Sub Committees and Working Groups and oversaw the provision of the new West Cemetery.
As Leader of the Council he saw the development of the Oakleaf Golf Course from 9 to 18 holes, led the development of the Town Centre Park and the upgrading of horticultural premises.
Bob made provision for bringing all our assets to a high standard of maintenance and renewed Moore Lane Environmental Centre, St. Oswalds Early Learning Centre, the Pavillion at St. Oswalds Park, play areas and parks.
The Council now has assets of almost £6½ million pounds plus three areas of land banks, and £1 million in balances.
Bob introduced an Environmental Officer, the Town Civic Pride Team, the Parks Patrol Team and arranged maintainenance of open spaces in Newton Aycliffe.
He worked closely with Sedgefield Borough Council to establish the Great Aycliffe Way. and when he was a County Councillor negotiated the transfer of land on which the Town Park was built, obtaining £90,000 to maintain the park.
In 1996 he persuaded Sedgefield Borough Council to build the Pioneering Care Centre at a cost of £2 million pounds, and together with Cllr Malcolm Iveson and Cllr Angela Fleming successfully put pressure on the Prime Minister and Lady Ann Colman to remove the dilapidated Health Centre and Library as they were no longer fit for purpose to release the land for new development. Bob fought for the establishment of a Neighbourhood Plan.
He also served on Sedgefield Borough Council, and as Leader arranged for Local Improvement Funding of £2.3 million for Newton Aycliffe
Counc Fleming was the first Chairman of the Governors at Greenfield School, Chair of Governors for Woodham Comprehensive, Woodham Burn Juniors and Woodham Burn Infants.
He was approached by Durham County Council to be Chairman of Governors at Walworth School and led a rescue team to replace dysfunctional governors.
In the 1990s he realised Durham County Council were not providing sufficient nursery places for children in Newton Aycliffe and took the lead in establishing the early learning centres, persuading DCC to provide funding.
Bob led opposition to Sedgefield Borough Council’s plans to transfer large areas of open spaces and greens to Livin.
In his proposal Councillor Chandran described Bob has having real depth of character, and an inspiration to others. He is plain-spoken but courteous and has always demonstrated a true sense of purpose.
Long Serving Councillor Becomes Honorary Freeman