On 10th September 2015 Bewick Crescent Surgery was inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) who found the surgery to be ‘Good’ with some areas of ‘Outstanding’ practice. Bewick Crescent is the first of the three Newton Aycliffe surgeries to be inspected.
Three CQC inspectors spent all day at the surgery and interviewed a cross section of staff, from the Senior Partner to the Apprentice Receptionist. They also spoke to patients in the waiting area and to a representative from the patient participation group. The inspectors concentrated on the care given to patients in six key groups: families, children and young people; working age people and the recently retired; older people; people with long term conditions; people in vulnerable circumstances; and people experiencing poor mental health.
The CQC looked for evidence that the Practice was ‘safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led’ by inspecting all aspects of the Practice including care delivered and clinics offered, staff qualifications and competency, premises and equipment.
The report which was published this week grades the Practice as ‘Good’ in all areas with elements of ‘outstanding’ care provided for patients with long term conditions and those in vulnerable circumstances.
Dr Martin Jones, Senior Partner said “We would like to thank our patients and staff for helping us to achieve this excellent result. A huge amount of hard work goes into running a GP Surgery and we are pleased that the CQC have recognized that we provide such a good service to our patients in such difficult times.”
The full CQC inspection report is available at www.bewickcrescentsurgery.nhs.uk.
Bewick Crescent Surgery is open over the festive season with the exception of Friday 25 and Saturday 26 December 2015 and Friday 01 January 2016. On Monday 28 December 2015 and Saturday 02 January 2016 the Practice is open from 8.00am to 12 noon for GP appointments via 111.
The baby clinics scheduled for Friday 25 December and Friday 01 January will run on Wednesday 30 December 2015.
Local Surgery Graded as ‘Good’ by C.Q.C.