A SAILOR from Newton Aycliffe is in Baltimore to join Americans in a week-long commemorative event celebrating the 200th anniversary of the US National Anthem.
Engineering Technician Owain Jones, 18, a sailor on board HMS Argyll, a Plymouth-based Royal Navy Type 23 frigate, is delighted to be part of the razzamatazz associated with this significant US event.
During their time in Baltimore, Owain has played an integral part in several commemorative events including ceremonies at Fort McHenry and a service to honour the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attack in 2001.
Owain also welcomed VIPs and members of the general public onboard Argyll and explained the daily work and showed what the Royal Navy is capable of doing worldwide.
As HMS Argyll entered the harbour with Owain standing to attention on the upper deck, there was an impressive 21-gun salute between the frigate and Fort McHenry – whose bombardment by the guns of the Royal Navy two centuries ago inspired the words of the United States’ national song.
Those events in 1814 have prompted the seven-day Star Spangled Spectacular – firework displays, concerts, air shows, tall ships and three dozen warships from the host nation plus its many friends and allies around the world, including Canada, Norway, Turkey, Germany and HMS Argyll representing the UK all gathered in the port city.
Owain, who is a Marine Engineer on Argyll, looks after all the diesel generators. He said:
“I only joined the Royal Navy over a year ago and already I have travelled to 11 different countries. Coming to Baltimore and experiencing such an event has been the highlight of my career to date.”
As for Argyll, she has spent much of the summer working hand-in-hand with US forces on counter-drugs patrols in the Caribbean, notably seizing £25m ($41m US) of drugs and arrested five suspected smugglers.
The ship will remain in the Caribbean until December 2014, resuming her counter-narcotic operations as well as responding to calls for assistance in the wake of any natural disasters as the hurricane season is now upon the region.
Owain, who attended Greenfield School, Newton Aycliffe, joined the Royal Navy in 2013. He added said: “It has been a real honour to represent the Royal Navy at such a prestigious event.”
Local Navy Man in U.S.A.