A Newton Aycliffe company has raised over £40,000 for Dementia UK, by cycling across Italy.
The Danesmoor Group, the company behind long-standing distributor PWS, took 10 colleagues from across the business to Italy for a Coast-Coast challenge. This gruelling five-day mission saw the amateur cyclist’s cycle over 400km through the rolling Tuscan hills from Rimini to Pisa, in a bid to raise as much money as they can for their charity of the year.
The ride, which has taken place this week, has tested the team beyond limits; battling not just the steep gradients, off-road terrain, and sprawling hills, but torrential rain and severe flooding due to some of the worst weather Italy has suffered in over 200 years.
“The Tuscan countryside is well-known for its mountainous land, but I don’t think we quite envisaged how tough this would be,” comments Gillian Tulip-Gales, one of the riders taking part in the challenge.
“It really has been emotionally, physically and mentally challenging, but nothing more than someone living with Dementia and their families must go through on a day-to-day basis. Finishing the ride to over £40,000 was incredibly bittersweet and I truly hope our efforts this week can go a small way to helping as many people as possible that will be affected by this heart-breaking disease in the future.”
To see how the riders have got on this week, head over to @PWSDistributors Instagram highlights where they have been running an Italian takeover.
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