Woodham Burn Primary School children have been working hard painting some amazing pictures over the past few weeks culminating in a community art show. The School would like to thank parents, community members and Local Councillors Paul Howell, Eddy Adam and GAMP representative who came to see the wonderful work produced by our children. The children have been working with local artists Chris and Steve Rocks joint winners of the Fine Art Trade Guild’s Best New Artist award in 2009.
Chris and Steve Rocks are twin brothers; they have created an amazing artistic partnership, due to a closeness and understanding that is beyond the imagination of most of us.
They supported, encouraged and taught the children in creating some amazing art work and gave them an understanding into the thinking behind their abstract images.
Chris and Steve Rocks – We are honoured to be invited to work with the children at Woodham Burn Primary School, We were pleasantly surprised at how inspired and enthusiastic the children were and it really came across in their paintings.
It was nice to bring some different ideas and techniques to the classroom and encourage kids to pick up the paint brushes and enjoy themselves.
Rianne Edwards, Head Teacher – ‘this has been a wonderful learning experience for our children Chris and Steve are established artists and have generously given their time to help produce this art show. We hope to repeat this is in the future’.
Cllr Eddy Adam – ‘What a fantastic event and I’m surprised to see such skill and quality of work produced, it’s also lovely to see the pleasure and enthusiasm that the kids have got out of this event’.
Cllr Paul Howell – ‘With all of the news going into schools about how inspiring footballers are to children its wonderful to see local connections Chris and Steve Rocks giving obvious inspiration to the kids, seeing people being inspired by others is fabulous’.
Victoria Greeves, GAMP Community Development Officer – ‘There was fantastic buzz around the school hall, pupils were so excited to show off their work to visitors and parents. The GAMP were pleased to see the event so well attended and county councillors were happy to financially support this great event’.
Miss Roberts, Arts Co-ordinator and Teacher, Woodham Burn Primary School – ‘This school and community project has inspired both children and teachers to be creative, I’m really proud of the enthusiasm that the children have shown and the finished results of the art work are fantastic’. Thanks to Chris and Steve for their continued support with getting the art show to this stage and for sharing their expertise.
School would like to give special thanks to Chris and Steve Rocks and Councillors John Clare, Paul Howell, Scott Durham, Jim Atkinson, Eddy Adam, Kate Hopper and Sarah Iveson for their support.