Local singer Deborah Taylor-Smith is one of the talented Aycliffe performers appearing at the Rotary Club Charity Night at the British Legion on Friday 30th October.
She is well known in the area and is setting up her own entertainment agency in October. She also runs talent shows to raise money for local charity Lifeline Community Action.
Tickets for the Rotary event are now available price £5 from Newton Press at the Blue Bridge Centre, Walkers, Simpasturegate and from the British Legion Club bar.
The evening includes Bingo, Tombola, Raffle, Live Entertainment, Dancing and a Pie and Peas supper.
The Rotary Club wishes to acknowledge the kind support and sponsorship of the Phoenix Club (British Legion).
All proceeds from the event go towards life saving community defibrillators.
Local Acts Perform at Rotary Charity Night