Housing and communities business livin is working with residents in partnership with the England Illegal Money Lending Team, to raise awareness of the dangers of loan sharks. The partnership made up of livin, Durham Area Action Partnership, Durham Constabulary Durham Trading Standards, and Monkey have signed a charter pledging a zero tolerance approach to loan sharks in the Spennymoor area. Targeted action is underway in the areas most affected by loan sharks to encourage people to report this as a crime if they have been a victim. Representatives from the illegal money lending team and livin are visiting tenants to offer advice and support as well as free training sessions in the community. Sean Brodie, executive director of finance from livin said: “We take illegal practices of loan sharks’ money lending and the damage they cause very seriously. Through this charter we can work alongside other like-minded groups to raise awareness and offer support to those affected.” If you have been affected by illegal money lenders please call the 24/7 confidential hot-line 0300 555 2222, email reportaloanshark@ stoploansharks.gov.uk
Loan Sharks Beware!