Dear Sir,

I wish to express my grave concern over the proposed Western Area Regeneration Project, specifically Option 3 “The preferred option.” I feel that Livin have not communicated out clearly to tenants, private landlords and private home owners in the “six streets” of the huge implications if this project is given the green light to go ahead.

After reading up on the Livin website about this regeneration project there is an 0800 number to call if you have any questions or concerns. I tried calling and it took me to the council switch board about bill payments etc. Nothing about Livin’s plans.

I think Livin has possibly done this on purpose as a smoke screen in regards to how home owners would be compensated because, as a home owner in Honister Place who has done any home improvements even if Livin were to give me “market value” for my home it may only be £65,000 – where can I buy an equivalent 3 bedroom home with a garage for that money?

E Nugent