Dear Sir,
I appreciate Cllr J. D. Clare’s and Cllr Betham’s attempt to explain themselves last week. They denied but in fact re-iterated that it is actually positive discrimination they seek. Their motto seems to be “never let facts get in the way of a good story”.
In answer to Cllr Clare, I am not, nor is any other councillor surprised, that there are currently no women Chairman or Vice-Chairman of Committees or Sub Committees. Why? Because since 2007 to date not one women Labour Councillor put themselves forward in the controlling Labour Group for these positions. During most of the time you were Deputy Leader and as you Cllr Clare will confirm non Labour women councillors are barred by Labour from holding these positions.
I am not surprised that the majority of women councillors in the Labour group refused to support this quota system as indeed did the rest of the Labour group – good on them. As for Mrs Miss and Ms, – it would have been simple to ask that all Mr, Mrs, Ms and Miss be removed and just Councillors initials and names be recorded – simple and easy, but Cllr Beetham behind the scenes demanded the Town Council officials record her name as Cllr Kathryn Beetham, no other councillors were asked or offered the choice until I raised it as to why she was treated differently from everyone else.
Now the poor Council officials have to do different entries in the attendance sheets and minutes for different councillors just because one did not want Mrs, Miss or Ms before her name. This is the student politics of the 1970’s and 80’s the days of Militant Tendancy. Gesture politics.
In the 1980’s and 1990’s as long serving Deputy Leader and as Labour Group Secretary I fully supported and promoted successfully women like Christine Gowton, Enid Meadows, Wyn Dormer, Angela Fleming and many others as Chairman of Finance, Recreation, Parks, and Environment Committees.
It was my view and still is that generally speaking for women to stand and get elected, with family, work, home etc, that they make better councillors than most men (whoops, sorry if any men are offended). But these women got their positions by merit and ability not by gender and were well represented in my time in those positions.
Unfortunately John Clare cannot say the same at all since he has been on the Council and as Deputy Leader. Funny how it took him 20 years to realise it. Its also funny how the controlling Labour Group with its “mandate to govern” to coin his phrase – defeated you and your colleagues’ proposal.
In 1997 John Clare welcomed me to an Appeals Sub Committee as a witness as follows “Councillor Chandran it is so nice to see the legend in person” (even though I wasn’t a councillor), I lose sleep over the fact that you no longer see me as a legend (LOL!)
As for a ducking stool in the Lakes, Kathryn, I would not suggest we use them as the lakes are too dirty! Maybe when they are cleaned !
Arun M Chandran