Tenants have just two weeks left to scoop a ‘grand’ prize, thanks to a campaign aimed at encouraging residents to pay their rent by Direct Debit.
Homes and communities business, livin, is one of 48 housing providers taking part in the national social housing rents campaign, which is offering five prizes of £1,000 in shopping vouchers between them.
As part of the campaign, which is run by Bacs Payment Schemes Limited (Bacs), the not-for-profit organisation behind Direct Debit in the UK, livin tenants signing-up to pay by Direct Debit will be entered into the prize draw. For all those who already pay this way, the good news is that they will automatically be in with a chance of winning the vouchers.
Arranging to pay rent by Direct Debit is livin’s preferred method of payment, therefore in addition to this it will be running a quarterly draw to win one of three shopping vouchers worth £150, £100 and £50.
Not only could signing-up to Direct Debit land the windfall, but paying this way is convenient, simple and offers peace-of-mind that rent payments won’t be forgotten or missed, plus payments are protected by the Direct Debit Guarantee in the unlikely event of an error.
To be in with a chance of winning, tenants simply need to switch to pay their rent by Direct Debit by 30 October 2015 by returning a completed Direct Debit Instruction form by post, signing-up online at www.livin.co.uk, or by contacting Customer Services on 0800 587 4538 to arrange over the phone.
Bacs’ housing sector specialist, Dawneth Perry, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to win £1,000 in shopping vouchers, but time is running out. Simply switch to the ease and convenience of paying rent by Direct Debit before the end of October and you could be celebrating. Good luck to everyone taking part.”
Livin Tenants Can Win ‘Grand’ Prize