The Planning Authority has received an application from Livin for a revised plan for the development at Armstrong Close. Following objections and planning refusal to using a green area and demolition of garages to build houses, the applicant has returned with new plans to build on the garages site but this time retaining the grass area. Details of the application are as follows: Ref: DM/17/03602/FPA. Proposal: 2 dwellings including demolition of garages. Site: Garage Block, Armstrong Close.
Copies of the application and plan(s) are available for inspection on the Council’s website at uk.
Any objections or representations about the proposal should be submitted by e-mail to planning@ or in writing to Planning Development (South West), Room 4/86-
102, County Hall, Durham, DH1 5UL Main Telephone: 03000 262 830 within 21 days from 14th November.
Please bear in mind that, under the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, any representations made are available for inspection by the public, and will be published on the internet.
Livin Revise Plans for Armstrong Close