From the Editor

Livin’s decision not to address the Council followed Newton News conversation with them on why they had not used Newton News to publicise the scheme or refute any wrong information we may have put out.

They indicated to me that they were not interested at this point in putting anything in the public domain.

I then told them that the Council Meeting they were addressing on Wednesday 25th April was public and would be reported by the media. They subsequently cancelled the meeting!

Members of the public sent in questions to the Town Clerk to be asked at the meeting, so the Clerk has advised they now be sent direct to Livin.

Of course the public are still welcome to attend, as there is still a report on the topic from Great Aycliffe Residents’ Association on the agenda, which may be of interest as it is relevant to the situation.

However, there is now no opportunity for livin to give their presentation and answer any questions, which would have helped clarify the situation, one way or the other.