Livin has used Facebook to reply to complaints over poor maintenance of the town’s environment. The post is as follows:
We agree that the standard of maintenance is not acceptable and certainly well below the level livin expect from our contractor. Unfortunately, this issue is not confined to one area but is similar across many of livin’s areas. We are currently working hard with our contractor, Burleys, to rectify the situation. They have put a recovery plan in place and have brought in extra staff to address the issues. We are expecting to see improvements over the coming weeks and would ask that you bear with us during this difficult period. Thanks – Michelle.
Newton News can’t understand why Livin did not send this explanation to us as we have carried numerous stories and complaints of poor grassc utting etc by their contractors. Why use a low Facebook following when Newton News has a circulation of 17,000 delivered to each household?
Livin Admits Fault Online