Pupils and staff from St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School have achieved the LiveSimply Award after taking action to demonstrate they are living simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities.
Championed by overseas development charity CAFOD, the award was presented to pupils and staff on Monday 13th November 2023. St. Joseph’s implemented a number of exceptional projects that highlighted the importance of caring for people and the planet. Their actions had a positive impact on their school community and also reached out to embrace the local community and our global community too.
The projects included holding an afternoon tea for parishioners, raising £605 for CAFOD through completing a sponsored walk, litter picking in the local area and creating a ‘grow our own’ garden in the school grounds. The children’s litter picking efforts were spotted in the Newton News by Aycliffe Radio’s presenters (Phil and Andy) and they were invited to talk on the radio show ‘Around Town, Around The World’.
One of pupils, from the Mini Vinnies, commented on why they took part in the LiveSimply Award: “It made me feel good to make people happy and to help them.”
Another pupil, from the Eco Warriors, added: “Children should take part in the award because it helps the world we live in.”
Mrs Young, RE Lead at St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, who led the LiveSimply journey, said: “We are thrilled to receive the award and are very proud of the children at St Joseph’s. They have worked hard to care for our school grounds, our local community and the wider world. This is the beginning of an exciting journey for St Joseph’s school.”
CAFOD’s LiveSimply assessor, Jane Lavery, said: “I have been very impressed that all the members of the school that I spoke to see this as the beginning of a process, and that the activities they have been doing will continue and be expanded. The children are leading the way in care for our common home.”
CAFOD is the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, and part of Caritas International. Across the world we bring hope and compassion to poor communities, standing side by side with them to end poverty and injustice. Because we work through the local Church, we can reach people and places that others can’t.
Find out more about the LiveSimply Award for Schools by visiting: https://cafod.org.uk/campaign/livesimply-award/livesimply-award-for-schools
LiveSimply Success at St Joseph’s