Dear Sir,

Following on from my last letter in the Newton News, the result was shown as a good return. On Wednesday 10th local people turned out to cover the area opposite Greenfield School, known as Horndale Park.

There are of course more people willing to turn out to clean but would like to do it on a weekend. Walking around we have found that Byerley Park seems to be the cleanest area. What we found in the Horndale Park, apart from the usual cans, was parts of a car from the pipes including the car battery. At the end of the litter pick Cllr. Ian Gray thanked the volunteers, saying he was proud of them all, they are a credit to Newton Aycliffe.

Whilst this work goes on, the next thing we need to do is to ‘stop the drop’, my aim is to ensure that people, not only children, but adults, also stop dropping litter and fly tipping to ensure that the local councils exercise their powers and bring action on these people caught fly tipping and dropping litter.

If people know of any hot spots for littering, please let us know and make contact with Cllr Ian Gray at

Vince Crosby