Dear Sir,
I correspond with you today to express my disgust at some of the youth of this town.
On Sunday 25th October I witnessed approximately 15 youths rampaging around the town destroying council/livin property. They destroyed a for rent sign which had been erected by livin.
They were like mad, wild animals – this is the only way I can describe their behaviour. The most prominent one was wearing a white, expensive, long sleeve shirt and black trousers and had dark hair, he would be about 5’ to 6’ tall and would be about 15 to 16 years old.
He may have damaged his trousers on the wooden sign. Has your son arrived home with damaged black trousers?
If you know this lad or anyone else in this group of mindless idiots, please report to the police and council. The parents of these vandals could have their home taken off them, if it is council owned, due to anti- social behaviour legislation.
Something needs to be done as next time he will go further. What else has he done? He needs to be stopped, and if you are reading this young man, it is not funny by any means, life will only get worse as you grow older. My advice would be to stop it now, before you get locked up.
A Very Concerned & Saddened Pensioner.
Name and address supplied